is a new, ground-breaking training seminar that focuses
on the development of the spiritual, emotional, and relational health of a believer.
The conference is taught by Paul Marc Goulet, an accomplished pastor and counselor.

Paul Marc is a dynamic speaker who is uniquely gifted to raise up
a generation of healthy believers and to guide them to a healthy foundation
and the freedom needed to walk in their calling.

He is an anointed, spirit-filled counselor with amazing leadership development
skills to activate people into their calling.

Now more than ever, the world needs healthy Christians
stepping into positions of leadership, influence and impact.
The key to doing that well is becoming a person of total health and wholeness.

We believe that every person has a passion, purpose and calling to fulfill
and in order to do that successfully, it’s important that we develop the skills required.

The Healthy Believer Conference
has been strategically developed to help people get past those hindrances.

During this conference you will be provided with the knowledge, tools,
and resources needed to achieve the greatness that God has placed on your life.

So if you’re desiring health and wholeness that leads to great success and impact in your life, family, church and community, and nation then this conference is for you!

Our Conferences

A letter from Paul


I want to thank you for having the courage to take a major step toward becoming the most healthy version of you!
My team and I are certain that you will find this conference transformational in every way. I am confident that you will learn how important it is to be healthy in every area of your life, as well as gain the knowledge and tools to truly become a healthy believer.

In today’s society, there is a crisis. It is evident that there is an urgent need for healthy believers and leaders in the Church.
Do you have people in your life, community, or church who have great potential, but because they’re unhealthy in some area of their life they may not be able to fulfill the fullness of their calling?
Or, maybe this is you.

As you can see, there is a real need for Christians to be healthy now more than ever before.
The Healthy Believers Conference is structured to help you become healthy spiritually, emotionally, and relationally to build a firm foundation to walk in your anointing and calling without hindrance.

I look forward to partnering with you and your community as we change believers’ lives for the better!

Let the journey begin!

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Please contact us and our team will get back to you.